I’ve been eating food at restaurants for years now. Actually, it’s probably closer to a decade if you’re a stickler for dates (Critty!). In that time, I have never introduced myself to my server. In fact, no one has…EVER! People, listen to me, this is an under researched cultural phenomenon. Aren’t we taught from a young age to introduce ourselves and extend a friendly- hand when we meet someone; it’s proper etiquette, right? Why does this societal norm not apply to restaurant employees? After thinking about it over some coffee and  John Gresham novel, I decided to act and completely change the way I go about ordering food.

In the past six weeks I have introduced myself to every server that waits on me. From McCormick and Schmitts to Caribou Coffee, if the bring me food I’m introducing myself to them. It’s that simple.  I stand up and extend my hand and say, “Hi, I’m Matt. Nice to meet you.”  Ladies and gentlemen, I am changing society and I challenge you to do the same. It’s rewarding. Not only are America’s resturuants filled with good food they are also filled with potential good friends…So, get out there and start talking to the people who work at restaurants. It’s not like they all have scabies.

For your friends.

This is Merva. She works at Noodles & Co. I met her last week. Merva’s an absolute peach. She like men with beards, the sticky stuff from price-tags, and the Smashing Pumpkins.  Merva’s worked at Noodles & Co. for six years and has no plans to leave for the new IHop opening across the street.

Meet Natalie. She works as a master hostess at the Buxton Inn. Natalie and I hit it off right away. Not only did she recommend a dynamite spinach and feta chess omelet, but she also has an infatuation with ghost. Natalie and I have been on three ghost hunts since our meeting and we plan to locate at least one ghost (or ghoul) before the year ends.